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Flavonoids and polyphenols available 1
Flavonoids and polyphenols available 2
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Flavonoids and polyphenols available - القاهرة

Available to supply Flavonoids and Polyphenols
Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
Siemens Medical Company for Supplies and Pharmaceutical Products and Medicinal Plant Extracts in Sohag, Egypt
Herbal Extract Powder Flavonoids and Polyphenols
Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
With anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-plasmolytic, antifungal, antibacterial, antibacterial, anti-microbial, attacks microbial infections and prevents the growth of microbes, anti-mutagenic, antibacterial, anti-cancer, astringent, antibacterial, used to treat diarrhea, stabilize the stomach, prevent vomiting and nausea. Aphrodisiac, for the treatment of chronic wounds for diabetics Treatment of wound ulcers, leprosy, bloody skin, skin infections, vitiligo, skin diseases, bleeding hemorrhoids, leprosy Dressing of ulcers, anti-inflammatory and Alzheimer's diseases
Against cancers and / or tumors (in the ear, eye or testicles Tuberculosis and sclerosis of the liver and spleen Wound ulcers of its components Polyphenol compounds that have the ability to provide protection against certain types of mutagens and carcinogens of great importance from polyphenol compounds that have the ability to provide protection against certain types of mutagens and carcinogens One of the powerful antioxidants Antioxidants are involved in the prevention of cancer and aging by destroying oxidized species that initiate carcinogenesis via oxidation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Functional food supplements with antioxidants, which prevent the formation of free radicals, can lead to the prevention of some
Diseases As most anti-fructose compounds work by removing free radicals, in the antioxidant activity of the function
Extraction from natural plant extracts
Ingredients Extract from leaves Dried Ginkgo Biloba
Type: Extract Dried Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract
Name: Dried Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract
Form: Powder
Part: Dried Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract
Extraction Type: Solvent Extraction
Grade: Food Grade
Active Ingredient: Flavonoids and Polyphenols
Test Method: UFA
1. Applied in the food sector.
2. Applied in the health products sector.
3. Applied in the cosmetics sector
To contact the company, please call the following numbers: 00201101139706 – 00201015002668 – 00201144833114

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